Is CBAP Certification worth the efforts?


We’ve seen the gradual shift in business analyst recruitment trends globally. The BA business is booming and the BA ‘s role is firmly secure. To be frank, it wasn’t a huge deal 4–5 years ago to get accredited, but now it holds a ton of weight. The CBAP certification today, is definitely worth the effort.

While a business analyst, owing to the difficulty of each problem in varied companies, they will always have a demanding and new job role or project in hand. The various advantages of being CBAP certified are-

  • Studying for certification lets you know a lot about the field of BA.
  • Better salaries.
  • As an internationally recognised credential it offers you a global platform for your career.
  • Non-industry specific designation.
  • Great opportunities for skilled people to move into the management field.
  • Certifications act as important indicators in the recruiting or promotional decisions for companies. Business analysts are in high demand from IT, healthcare and other companies looking for trained staff that can handle critical business projects.
  • Industry reports forecast that business analysis would be among the most rising IT jobs, and business analysis for software employees is among the most coveted skills.
  • Certification offers the BA techniques and approaches a broader perspective.
  • Showcases commitment. As it’s not an easy task to prepare for these certifications and clear the exam, the organizations realize the hard work and dedication the candidate has put in.

IIBA claims that CBAP’s certified earn around 15 per cent more than unaccredited business analysts.

If you are trying to get CBAP certified, it is highly advised that you receive rigorous CBAP Exam prep from an experienced IIBA Certification trainer. This would help to increase passing chances in the very first attempt and in the shortest possible period. Learning by an IIBA EEP (Endorsed Education Provider) would also include the much-needed PDU’s (Professional Development Units) & form filling guidance for the examination.

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