cbap certification

Business Analysis has become one of the most important functions of a successful organization. All mature organizations continue to strengthen the practice of Business Analysis so that the needs of stakeholders are understood and delivered in a timely fashion. Business Analysis enables and embraces changes and reduces the resistance towards it. CBAP Certification helps to understood it deeply

As organizations continue to strengthen their business analysis practice, they are all leaning towards IIBA’s BABOK standard, currently in its third Edition. The goal is to regulate the practice of business analysis and use the BABOK standard as the basis for this process of standardization. 

With the organizations continuing to align their business analysis practice on the BABOK standard, business analyst practitioners are now encouraged and expected to get CBAP certified. The demand for CBAP certified professionals continues to increase every single day. 

Education Edge is an IIBA’s Endorsed Education Provider (EEP) and a premier CBAP certification provider. We guide practitioners to attain their CBAP certification with the absolute best training facilitated by two of the top trainers in the world.

If you are a seasoned business analysis professional, the CBAP Certification is your next step to gain recognition and progress in your career. While the CBAP credential guarantees you higher efficacy, higher salary, and higher employability, Education Edge guarantees you a 100% pass rate in CBAP certification. 

Why get CBAP Certified?

The BABOK guide defines the field of Business Analysis as “the practice of enabling change in an enterprise by defining needs and recommending solutions that deliver value to stakeholders”. This definition itself highlights the importance of the role of a business analyst in a successful business or organization. Being a CBAP certified professional guarantees you:

  • Increased knowledge, prestige and recognition:  CBAP certified professionals are considered an authority and thought leaders in the field of business analysis.
  • Higher and competitive salary: The relation is simple- Higher your skills, higher your demand; higher your demand, higher your salary. According to the IIBA Annual Business Analysis Salary survey, CBAP certified professionals earn at least 20% more than their peers
  • Better job opportunities all over the world: You get the best and the most coveted job-offers with the CBAP beside your name.
  • Become part of the elite business analysis community.
  • Global business analysis Networking

Why choose Education Edge as your preferred CBAP Training Partner?

Education Edge is an IIBA Endorsed Education Provider and a leading CBAP Training organization in the world. We are preferred BA training partners for most of the Fortune 500 companies including Google, Amazon, Tesla, RBC Bank, City Bank, Goldman Sachs, City of Toronto, City of Hamilton, Metrolinx, Crosslinx, ARUP, JACOBS and Canadian Pacific Railways to name a few. Our mission remains to provide effective education that is simpler, easier and faster.

  • We maintain a 100% CBAP pass rate: We remain accountable and ensure that every CBAP course participant is successful and gets the desired outcome.  
  • We guarantee your success with a 100% money back guarantee. Our course participants are our sole priority and we work with you so that you are CBAP certified
  • We provide 35 PDUs required to complete your CBAP application.
  • Train with the best coaches in North America. Our trainers are the best in the industry and are certified in all the PMI and IIBA certifications.
  • We provide full end to end CBAP application support along with support in the CBAP application audit process.
  • We are the only CBAP training school that provides thousands of mock questions to ace the CBAP certification exam.
  • We provide post CBAP course support and ensure that we continue to support you in your CBAP certification journey.

Who can apply for CBAP certification?

To be eligible for CBAP certification, a professional must qualify certain prerequisites. Unlike the Entry Certificate in Business Analysis (ECBA), the CBAP requires the professional to possess both:

Professional Development hours : 35 hours

-Work history hours: 7500 hours or 5 years

-Two CBAP references

Professional Development Hours : 35 hours

Professional Development hours signify the time spent by the professional to gain knowledge and skill-set crucial to becoming a capable business analyst. These professional  hours are earned by joining an Endorsed Education Provider course such as:

  • Classroom courses
  • Online course and live webinars

To be eligible for CBAP, the BA professional must acquire and record 35 hours of professional development within the last 4 years. Education Edge is an Endorsed Education Provider (EEP) and is rated as #1 choice for CBAP certification among the business analyst practitioners and organizations.

Eligible course for professional development 

A Professional Development (PD) hour is earned only when the course satisfies the following conditions.

  • It must not just be a presentation on a relevant topic.
  • It must be completely aligned with the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge or BABOK guide, 3rd edition.
  • It must be a formal course with an instructor or moderator, leading the content. At Education Edge all the trainers are CBAP and PMI-PBA certified.
  • The course must have a specific and clear learning objective that is relevant and applicable to a business analyst. It must positively impact the skill-set of a business analyst. At Education Edge, the CBAP certification training is absolutely foolproof with a 100% pass guarantee.
  • The professional must be able to interact with the content through questions
  • The instructors or coaches must assess the professional’s ability to imbibe and implement the acquired knowledge in the course.

Being an IIBA Endorsed Education Provider (EEP), Education Edge automatically fulfills all the above conditions. Our CBAP training course is tailor-made for professionals who want to work hard and smart. Enrolling with us, not only earns you the required 35 hours of Professional Development, you imbibe simplified accessible knowledge that goes beyond just satisfying the prerequisites. Our goal is to provide you with all the support you need to get CBAP certified.

Working history for CBAP

To be eligible for the CBAP exam, the professional must possess 7500 hours’ or 5 years’ work experience as a business analyst within the last 10 years. Out of these 7500 working hours,

3600 hours must have been spent on any of the 4 knowledge areas of the BABOK 3rd edition, allotting 900 hours to each knowledge area. 

These working hours as a business analyst must conform to the competencies of the BABOK guide. 

CBAP references

Valid references include CBAP certified professionals, internal or external clients, or career managers. At least one of these references must have known you for at least 6 months.

How to Apply?

Once you confirm your eligibility for CBAP, you can apply for the exam through the following steps.

Step 1. Create an IIBA profile

The foremost step to beginning the application process is to create an IIBA profile. 

Step 2: Apply for CBAP certification

Step 3: Log your Professional Development hours

 At this step, you are required to log the professional development hours gained by training with an EEP like Education Edge.

Once you have successfully logged in PD hours, you will be required to add your work history along with its corresponding knowledge area. 

Step 4: Pay your CBAP application fee: $145 USD

After recording the mandatory working history and professional development hours, you will now be required to pay a non-refundable and non-transferable CBAP application fee of $145 USD. 

Step 5: Provide names and contact information of 2 references who are CBAP certified

Step 6: Application approval

The application will now be assessed and reviewed by the IIBA for completion. Once approved, you will be able to proceed further and pay your CBAP exam fee. 

IIBA Audit

To maintain the quality and authenticity of their BA certifications, IIBA conducts random audits. You will be notified if your application is selected for the random audit. In case selected for an audit, you will have to corroborate information provided in your CBAP application. Failure in audit will result in an unapproved application. You can only reapply once you have rectified the reasons for audit failure.

Education Edge offers complete support and guidance in the auditing process and ensures that you get through the audit without any hiccups. We constantly help you in the application process and make sure that all the information provided is true and verifiable in case of an audit.

Step 6: Pay Examination fee: $505 USD

Once your CBAP application is approved, you will be able to pay and schedule your CBAP exam. The fee structure for CBAP exam is tabulated below. You must take the CBAP exam within 1 year from the date of confirmation email. Failure to do so will result in application lapse.

IIBA member Corporate member Non-Member




The CBAP exam

The Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) exam assesses the professional in the following competencies. These competencies are grouped in knowledge areas that form chapters 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the BABOK guide. The exam contains 120 questions and is conducted for 3.5 hours.

Competencies Weightage in %

Chapter 3. Business Analysis Planning and monitoring


Chapter 4 Elicitation and collaboration


Chapter 5 Requirements life cycle management


Chapter 6 Strategy analysis


Chapter 7 Requirements analysis and design definition


Chapter 8 Solution Evaluation


How to stay certified?

IIBA recertification program ensures that a business analyst professional constantly stays abreast with the latest changes in his/her profession, thereby maintaining the standard of the certification. The recertification also encourages and facilitates the professional to significantly contribute to their field. 

Education Edge makes sure that you don’t just get certified, but consistently maintain your CBAP certification.

Continuing Development Units (CDUs)

The Continuing Development Unit (CDU) is a unit that is used to gauge the number of hours spent by the CBAP certified professional in the educational or service activities related to the field of Business Analysis. 

As soon as you earn your CBAP certification, your three-year certification cycle begins. During the duration of these 3 years, the professional must earn 60 CDUs for Continuing Development Units to retain and maintain their certification. 

Continuing Development Units or CDUs can be achieved through the following activities.

CDU Maximum

Professional Development


Work History (Professional experience)


Professional Activities


Volunteer Services


Self-Directed Learning


Formal Academic Education


Earning your CDUs through Professional Development 

One of the most important ways to earn Continuing Development Units is to continue learning even after earning the CBAP certification. This ongoing learning keeps the professional in his most efficient and productive form and guarantees excellency. Education Edge helps you earn CDUs through professional development activities. Being an IIBA Endorsed Education Provider (EEP), our courses will earn you the mandatory CDUs along with helping you improve and hone your skills and knowledge in the field of business analysis.

The professional must keep all the documentation to help substantiate the CDUs earned in case he/she is randomly selected for IIBA audit. These documents might include emails confirming attendance, certificate of achievement, etc.