Basics of Project Deliverables


Any organization, stakeholder, or consumer is mainly interested in what the project will deliver. Project Deliverables are physical and documentable results or outcomes that are expected during the various phases in a project life cycle. They are specific services and products that are achieved unorder to meet the objectives of the project. Project deliverables not only include the final outcomes but interim deliverables as well. The interim project deliverables are the tangible outcomes that support and facilitate the final outcomes of the project. A project arrives at its closure once its final deliverables are provided to the clients. For example: let us consider a website. The prototype of that website will be its interim project deliverable since it provides the team with a detailed design and layout of the final product, and also allows it to receive feedback during the early stages of a project life cycle. This interim project deliverable helps the team to successfully provide the final product/outcome/deliverable.

Deliverables drive almost all the phases in a project life cycle. Each phase in the project life cycle has its respective interim deliverables that eventually end up with the final product at the closure of the project. Project deliverables of each phase are given below.

Classification of Project Deliverables :

As mentioned above, a project deliverable is not confined to the final end result or product at the closure of the project. Instead, within a project, deliverables can be classified into:

  • Product deliverables that are tangible assets produced by the project. For example a prototype, the final product, documentations, reports, etc.
  • Service Deliverables: They are intangible outputs or results within a project. For example training programs, customer service, etc.
  • Milestone deliverables are the intermediate outputs that mark crucial milestones with the timeline of the project. For example a successful testing phase in a project
  • Management deliverables are the ones that is produced by the project team inorder to facilitate effective management. For example, risk management plan, quality management plan, communication management plan, etc.
  • Communication deliverables are the documents that include information related to communication with the stakeholders. For example a project charter, project proposal, stakeholder analysis report etc.

Project deliverables throughout a project life cycle :

Project Deliverables

A typical project life cycle has five main phases: Initiation, Planning, Execution, Control and Monitor, and Closure.

Project deliverables during the Initiating phase :

This is the very beginning of a project and usually results in the following outcomes or deliverables before moving on to the next phase.

  • Project Charter: it is a document that officially authorizes the project. A project charter identifies key stakeholders and their interests in the project.
  • Feasibility Study or Business Case: During the initiating phase, a business case is developed that outlines the reasons why the project is being undertaken, its cost, advantages, etc.
  • Stakeholder Analysis: This phase must be able to produce a document that identifies and examines shareholder’s  interests, requirements, and expectations from the project.
  • Project Scope statement: This project deliverable must be produced during the initiation phase as it defines its goals, deliverables, and constraints.
  • Risk Assessment is another interim deliverable that must be achieved in a project’s early phase as it identifies and assesses potential risks to the success of the project.
Project Deliverables achieved during the Planning phase :

The planning phase of a project life cycle must achieve the following deliverables to be effective and successful. 

  • A detailed project plan must be delivered that breaks down the project into smaller, simpler, and doable tasks. The plan might include a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), budget, resource plan, timeline, etc.
  • Documents defining requirements throughout the project must also be delivered
  • Project Management Plan that outlines how it would be managed, executed and controlled must be created
  • Documentation of risk management plan must be completed
  • Communication plan that includes documents about the mode of communication and other related information must be ready
  • Procurement plan should be finalized
  • Change Management plan must be delivered
Project Deliverables achieved during the Execution phase :

The execution phase of a project life cycle is its longest stage. Once the team provides the deliverables of the planning phase, the actual work or the execution phase begins. This phase is considered complete once it successfully provides the following deliverables.

  • Interim deliverables such as prototypes, design concepts, etc
  • Completed tasks from the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) created in the planning phase. For example coding software modules, pouring of concrete foundations, etc
  • Complete status report that provides updates on the status of the project’s progress.
  • Providing documents of change requests for the scope, schedule or budget of the project.
Project deliverables achieved during the Monitoring and Controlling phase :

The monitoring and the controlling phase in a project’s life cycle require the following deliverables to be successful

  • Progress reports to track the progress of the project against its plan.
  • Issue and risk logs that track any potential risk or issues and the way they are addressed
  • Qualty control reports that track if the project meets the quality standards and procedures
  • Stakeholder Communications: documents that convey information about the project’s progress the the stakeholders. 

These project deliverables ensure that the project stays on track with respect to quality, time, and budget.

Project Deliverables expected during the closing phase :

The project deliverables that must be achieved during the closing phase of the cycle are:

  • A final project report that gives a final summary of the scope, objectives, achievements, and lessons learnt from the project.
  • Final and completed deliverables. These are the final outcomes of the project that is in line with its objectives. For example, the final building, final software application, etc.
  • A lessons learnt report
  • Project closure documents
  • Final project evaluation report 

The project deliverables differ according to the kind of project and the methodology used PMI

Importance of Project Deliverables :

Project Deliverables help clients define their goals. Deliverables are driving factors of a project. They also provide direction to the project team. Once a project deliverable is clearly defined, it is translated into smaller doable tasks in order to achieve the final outcome. Project deliverables must be time specific, realistic, actionable, and measurable. Project deliverables also force the stakeholders to work together despite their differences. A single project might have multiple clients with their respective interests. This might result in conflicts. However, a common set of deliverables leads the stakeholders to negotiate and resolve conflicts.

A Project Manager ensures that all project deliverables are completed within the estimated timeline and budget and meets the expected quality standards. Thus, they are a very significant component of the PMP and CAPM exams. The PMP and CAPM courses designed by Education Edge provide an in-depth and practical understanding of project deliverables throughout its phases. Being an Authorized Training Partner, with Education Edge you are guaranteed to get PMI certified.

Explore our courses now.

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CAPM vs PMP : What should you apply for? – Education Edge

A Beginner’s guide to Project Management Methodology 

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