Tag project management methodology

Waterfall Project Management Methodology: Phases & Benefits

Waterfall Project Management Methodology: Phases & Benefits

Waterfall Project Management Methodology is a well-known methodology that has shaped the project execution. Among the various project management methodologies available, the Waterfall Methodology stands out as providing a structured and sequential approach. Therefore, in this article, we will tell…

How Does PERT Work? Explained in Simple Terms

How Does PERT Work? Explained in Simple Terms

There are various methods and tactics in the large area of project management tools that may help in the planning, scheduling, and coordination of tasks and resources. PERT charts are one of these tools. So, in this blog we will…

Kanban vs Scrum – the best Agile Practice

Kanban vs Scrum - the best Agile Practice

The underlying principles of both Kanban and Scrum are the same. However, there are some key differences that we must know about. Let us first know about the similarities between the two. According to the PMI Agile Practice guide, “Agile…

Basics of Project Deliverables

Basics of Project Deliverables

Any organization, stakeholder, or consumer is mainly interested in what the project will deliver. Project Deliverables are physical and documentable results or outcomes that are expected during the various phases in a project life cycle. They are specific services and…