Hallmark of a great professional is not just demonstration of knowledge, expertise or timely delivery, it is also kindness, gratitude and mutual respect. Never under estimate any one’s potential. Being respectful of others feelings and social norms including religion is paramount to be successful in true sense. Success is not one dimensional, it multidimensional. Those who successfully took this journey from good to great had one thing in common – “respect for human kind”. Being good human being is the uttermost quality which would matter in the end. If it means breaking some barriers, so be it, let’s be the best.
You are my Rock Stars and I am your biggest fan. Remember, I will always be someone who will come to watch your show, whether you see me or not, somewhere far in those crowds, I will be present enjoying your success and savouring every bit of it. You all have made my life interesting, beautiful, eventful, exciting and so much more. Most importantly it is you all that I have absorbed in last few years. I thank you for making my journey of life the way it. Thank you for giving me the strength to be transparent, honest and respectful.
I truly wish that you will find that point in your life where knowledge, experience and the right attitude intersect. Someone rightfully said, perfection is no time, no place, it is a state. That state, I believe where you catch this intersection at the right time.
You are my Rock Stars and I am your biggest fan. Remember, I will always be someone who will come to watch your show, whether you see me or not, somewhere far in those crowds, I will be present enjoying your success and savouring every bit of it. You all have made my life interesting, beautiful, eventful, exciting and so much more. Most importantly it is you all that I have absorbed in last few years. I thank you for making my journey of life the way it. Thank you for giving me the strength to be transparent, honest and respectful.
I truly wish that you will find that point in your life where knowledge, experience and the right attitude intersect. Someone rightfully said, perfection is no time, no place, it is a state. That state, I believe where you catch this intersection at the right time.