In pursuit of completeness – Happiness unlimited!!

In pursuit of completeness – Happiness unlimited!! 
By: Hemant Dhariyal, Education Edge
Head meets Heart here, Talent meets Opportunity here.
Dear friends,
Since inception of Education Edge, we have continued to grow at a rapid pace. Balancing growth and staying in touch with everyone at times has been challenging. There may have been missed connections but make no mistake, no one has been forgotten and most importantly I have tried my best to ensure that no one is left behind.
Hard work, unwavering desire to keep moving forward, removing hurdles from the success path and increased motivation after each setback is what has led to a stable compass in our lives. One aspect has been common amongst us – developing understanding of the complete life cycle of anything that we undertake in our lives and ensuring we reach the desired outcome.
Aristotle said, “Whole is better than sum of its parts”. Learning will complete us and the demonstration of this learning will make us unique. My true measure of success is when most of you will fulfill their dreams. Every night when I go to bed, for a moment, I think about you all, each one of you. I dream about all of you finding your destinations – where ever and whatever those are. Business Analysis and project management may very well be short term goal for some of you. For others it may be passion. If it’s passion go crazy at learning it and if it is a short term goal, still get mastery as this may be that step towards your final destination.
When I worked in silo, I was not so successful, and then with time, I have learned to spread my wings, created true relationship, collaborated and created positive energy. The true character of a magnet is it’s pull. Our magnetism is the knowledge and it will pull attention towards us. You all have listened to me, sometimes I sound tough and I feel bad for being so assertive. But then I hope you will understand that I am trying my best to create a baseline of knowledge and trying to ensure that all of us stay together in-line with the big plan. When I was in the US, there was federal government program and it said something like “No kid left behind”. This is my motto too. In the coming weeks, we will start sprinting towards our goal, I will make sure that this sprint does not turn into a marathon.
So open your mind, trust the process and prepare yourself for the flight of your life, fly with me under my wings and then soon, my hope is you will spread your wings and take a few under your wings too. The goal of a business is not just making money, it’s also helping people. I have practiced it and even during major crisis in my life, never steered away from this principle. As recently as few years ago my bank balance was negative and in my pocket I had $117. It was 8:30 in the night and I was in a workshop with some of you. I could not just let everyone sit in the class hungry just because I had to finish a session. How could I, when one of you taught me “Never to eat alone”. That day I went home with a balance of $37 in my pocket. Was I stressed? May be, but had faith, actually increased faith on the hard work and knowledge that I had gained through the years. Goodness creates happiness and opens the doors of possibilities that you never would imagine otherwise.
In Pablo Picasso words “everything that you can imagine is real”. But that will only happen when we will nurture our minds with great thoughts and seek not to change the world, but choose to change our mind about the world. What you see reflects your thinking and your thinking reflects your choice of what you want to see. One thing I always stress on is to read books about the great innovations and changes. It will create a great mindset to start your journey from good to great.
Last Friday, one of my student who is successfully employed with a Bank for over a year, told me that I must be very happy in my life. I paused for a while, and at that moment I realized how happy I have been with my life. Last 5 years have been a great learning experience for me.  I have been getting up every morning with determination and going to bed with satisfaction.
With each one of you finding work, my happiness grows. My dream gets bigger. I relish your success with you and then in my own silence. I appreciate your courage, motivation and the desire to change something in your life. This lesson of life will be incomplete for me if you did not find me and I did not connect with you. In last 2 years I have interacted with over 300 students. You have taught so much more than I can ever give you.  I have had over 300 life lessons from you. I sincerely hope that in the end there will be some takeaways for you all too.
Wake up to your dream, work hard for it, decision it and action it in a way that there is no tomorrow. A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. Character is what emerges from all the little things we were too busy to do yesterday, but did anyway.
I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.  We all complain about how bad things are, but we never step out of the comfort. Striving for success is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted. Instill the will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.      
The greatest principle on success is if we persist long enough we will win.
Finally, this is what I have to say to you –  our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we fall. Learn from the failures and try never to repeat it again.
The constraints of the past are behind us and the foundation of future are firmly in place. In the words of Paul Whiteman “The Orchestra have tuned their instruments, baton has given signal” to this if I may just add “it’s now time there is a new symphony in play”
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness, inspirational thoughts and help when I needed the most.
I remain yours truly.

Hemant Dhariyal

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