What Is Elicitation and Collaboration?

What Is Elicitation and Collaboration

As a business analyst, you must be able to comprehend the company’s requirements. To do so, you must first gather information, which we do using elicitation and collaboration techniques.

Elicitation is the process of gathering information from stakeholders in order to determine the solution’s needs, whereas collaboration is the process of two or more individuals working together to achieve a single purpose or objective.

To obtain a shared understanding on business analysis information, business analysts employ both elicitation and collaboration – where planned and unexpected ones are possible.

Interviews are an example of an unplanned elicitation task, whereas an interview is an example of a planned activity.

In the elicitation and collaboration knowledge area, there are five tasks:

Task 1: Prepare For Elicitation

This task entails alerting important stakeholders about the information they must offer as well as the anticipated outcome of the elicitation and collaboration activity.

Task 2: Conduct Elicitation

This is the real job that the business analyst does to gather the stakeholder’s requirements.

Task 3: Confirm Elicitation Results

The stakeholders must validate the elicited information to ensure that it is exactly what they require.

Task 4: Communicate Business Analysis Information

The business analyst discusses the confirmed requirements with the stakeholders in this task.

Task 5: Manage Stakeholder Collaboration

Stakeholders must be managed in order for the elicitation and collaboration activities to be efficient. This duty entails working with stakeholders and including them in the business analysis process in order to ensure the solution’s success.

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