PMBOK 6 arrival- let’s embrace the new change

Lately we have received so many inquiries from Project Managers that are in a panic to pass the PMP Exam before it changes to align with the new PMBOK6.  
For anyone who has attempted the exam recently or is in the rhythm of studying – you should definitely try to clear it before the changes are introduced at the end of March 2018.

Those that have not cracked open the Fifth Edition for the first time yet you may want to start with the PMBOK6 instead for many reasons.

1.) A lot has happened since the Fifth Edition was first released at the end of 2012.  Why learn from the dated standard when the new one is available.  That would be like installing Windows 7 when 10 is available and the trend is moving towards the Cloud (maybe not the best analogy, but you get my point! )

2.) There is a greater focus on Agile/Adaptive methodologies in the Sixth Edition.  For most of us this is our reality as it has become the preferred approach for most organizations – not just IT and the banking industry anymore. 

3.) The structure of the PMBOK has also changed, it’s now divided into 3 parts: the Guide, the Standard and Supporting section

4.) There is an entire Chapter dedicated to the role of a Project Manager

With these and many other changes, we are busy updating all our course material and revising our Exam Engine to prepare our students for PMBOK6 starting with our January 2018 session.  For more information visit us at or drop by our Mississauga office.  – 
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