Education Edge PMP PMBOK Week 7 Office Read – Communication Knowledge Area


Communication Management includes the processes required to ensure timely and appropriate generation, collection, dissemination, storage, retrieval and ultimate disposition of project information.
Communication activity has many potential dimensions:
·        Internal and external
·        Formal and informal
·        Vertical and Horizontal
·        Official and unofficial
·        Written and oral
·        Verbal and non-verbal
Project Managers spend up to 90 percent of their time communicating.
Effective communications skills are critical to project success.
The knowledge area of Project Communications Management consists of the following three processes:
Process Name
Project Management Process Group
Key Deliverables
Plan Communications Management
Communications Management Plan
Manage Communications
Project Communications
Control Communications
Monitoring and Controlling
Work Performance Information
Plan Communications Management is the process of developing an appropriate approach and plan for project communications based on stakeholder’s information needs and requirements, and available organizational assets.
Number of communication channels = n (n -1) / 2
Communications technology factors that can affect the project include:
·       Urgency of the need for information
·       Availability of technology
·       Expected project
·       Length of the project
·       Project environment
Key components of model include:
·        Encode:translate thoughts or ideas into a language that is understood by others
·        Message & feedback-message: the output of encoding
·        Medium: the method used to convey the message, e.g. email, fax
·        Noise: anything that interferes with transmission and understanding of the message
·        Decode: to translate the message back into meaningful thoughts or ideas
Communication methods used to share information among project stakeholders:
Interactive communication – Between two or more parties performing a multidirectional exchange of information
Push communication – Sent to specific recipients who need to know the information
Pull communication – Used for very large volumes of information, or for very large audiences, that requires the recipients to access the communication content at their own discretion. These methods include intranet sites, e-learning, and knowledge repositories, etc.
The communications management plan is a component of the project management plan that describes how project communications will be planned, structured, monitored, and controlled.
The Inputs, Tools and Techniques and Output of Plan Communications Management process are given below:
Project Management Plan
Communication Requirements Analysis
Communications Management Plan
Stakeholder Register
Communication Technology
Project Documents updates
Enterprise Environmental Factors
Communication Models
Organizational Process Assets
Communication Methods
Manage Communicationsis the process of creating, collecting, distributing, storing, retrieving, and the ultimate disposition of project information in accordance to the communications management plan.
An issue log can be used to document and monitor who is responsible for resolving specific issues by a target date.
Techniques and considerations for effective communications management include, but are not limited to, the following:
·       Sender-receiver models
·       Choice of media
·       Writing style
·       Meeting management techniques
·       Presentation techniques
·       Facilitation techniques
·       Listening techniques
Project information is managed and distributed using a variety of tools, including:
·       Hard-copy document management
·       Electronic communications management
·       Electronic project management tools
Performance reporting is the act of collecting and distributing performance information, including status reports, progress measurements, and forecasts.
Information received from stakeholders concerning project operations is distributed and used to modify or improve future performance of the project.
The Inputs, Tools and Techniques and Output of Manage Communications process are given below:
Communications Management Plan
Communication Technology
Project Communications
Work Performance Reports
Communication Models
Project Management Plan Updates
Enterprise Environmental Factors
Communication Methods
Project Documents updates
Organizational Process Assets
Information Management Systems
Organizational Process Assets updates
Performance Reporting
Control Communicationsis the process of monitoring and controlling communications throughout the entire project life cycle to ensure the information needs of the project stakeholders are met.
It is impossible for Project Manager to fully control the communication.
Project manager should try to control communication by implementing effective plan and actions.
As the project work is being done, the project manager needs to follow the communications management plan to distribute information about the project.
The Inputs, Tools and Techniques and Output of Control Communications process are given below:
Project Management Plan
Information Management Systems
Work Performance Information
Project Communications
Expert Judgment
Change Requests
Issue Log
Project Management Plan Updates
Work Performance Data
Project Documents updates
Organizational Process Assets
Organizational Process Assets updates
Project Human Resources Management includes the processes that organize, manage and lead the project team.
Project Management team is a subset of the project team and is responsible for the project management and leadership activities.
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