Who Can Apply For CAPM Certification Canada?


To apply for CAPM Certification Canada – you must first meet specific prerequisites as defined by the Project Management Institute. Before you may take the CAPM exam, you must first complete the first CAPM certification eligibility criteria, according to the Project Management Institute. So, let’s talk about the prerequisites for CAPM certification.

CAPM Certification Requirements

There are two CAPM certification requirements:

Who Can Apply For CAPM Certification Canada?

1. Educational Background and Qualification

A high school diploma or a globally equivalent credential is required. You will need the following information:

  • The name of the institute.
  • The year of graduation.
  • The subject you majored in.

2. Project Management Education or Relevant Experience

The Project Management Institute (PMI), the regulating body, requires this to guarantee that anyone seeking accreditation have a solid understanding of project management fundamentals. You have two options for meeting this requirement:

You can apply for the exam if you have 1500 hours of relevant job experience in a project team. These hours must be part of the non-overlapping project group(s) and documented by the project and summarised by the process group in order to be regarded as valid.

If you don’t have enough work experience, you can enrol in a 23-hour formal project management course. The following resources might help you learn about project management:

  • PMI Chapters
  • Employer or training programs.
  • Training consultants or companies.
  • Distance learning companies that provide a course end assessment.
  • University or college academic and continuing education programs.


The field of project management is well-known. Recent advancements in job technicalities have made the role exceedingly versatile. CAPM certification will be used as a factor by employers trying to hire skilled professionals.

If you wish to substantially advance your career, apply for CAPM Certification Canada. Education Edge provides a variety of project management courses as well as a learning route to empower aspiring project managers in obtaining certification credentials. Enrol in Education Edge’s CAPM certification course and start your quest to project management excellence.

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