We have a class exam this week from Scope, Schedule and Cost Knowledge Area.
What is the ask?
The ask is simple – STUDY HARD AND SCORE OVER 70% at a bare minimum.
How will I get there?
In the words of Pablo Picasso – “Everything you can imagine will be a reality”. Just desire is not enough though, we must bring a mindset to remain productive with a unwavering drive. So folks, this is a day we must promise ourselves, the dream of getting PMP WILL NOT BE A DREAM anymore, we will action the plan.
So what’s the Plan?
Your plan is to reflect on the roadmap sent to you and stay committed to your initial statement that you will be PMP Certified before Nov 20.
Now that we are a part of this class, we have access to similar resources, I guess the difference is our constraints. Some of us seems to be doing a better job at managing the constraints and for some us us the constraints are becoming barriers and not letting us pass through.
So what can we do to balance the constraints? Let’s make the most of one’s resources and let’s “De-Clutter” and liberate time where we can. Let’s find out the sources that eat up most of our resources and understand what value do they generate.
De-cluttering though requires fearlessness as things that you seem to do, but have no value in our lives, will need to go. But then when has change been easy? All of us have a tendency to resist it in the beginning but soon with so may value added actions filling up these non value add periods, you will find yourself surrounded by self-fulfillment, which in turn will lead to – You, Only Better!!
Your life is your story, and it is made up of time. If we are not using our time well, we are actually wasting life.
All the best to you all!!! Hemant Dhariyal, Only Excellence, No Compromise