A Beginner’s Guide to Lean Project Management!

If you want to know about Lean project management. So, in this article you will find out all the information that you need to know. HAPPY READING!

Lean project management is an Agile methodology that maximizes customer value through eliminating waste from 5 phases of the project management. In this article, we’ll define lean project management and show you its benefits to boost your productivity.

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What is Lean Project Management?

Lean project management aims to provide a manufacturing project with greater value and less waste. This is accomplished by methodically removing waste in the value stream of the lean manufacturing process. It relies on continuous improvement to function. That is, by using the idea of higher value and less waste, every process in the total corporate value stream is improved.

5 Lean Project Management Principles

The five lean project management principles serve as steps for achieving optimal client satisfaction. So, if you want to have the best chance of eliminating product waste, staying within project scope, and fulfilling essential success criteria, follow these steps.

1. Determine Value:

Your customer, client, or stakeholder defines value. Value can be defined as the quality, timeliness, or price point of your deliverable—though it is most usually a combination of all three. Hence, know what specifications you require and what expectations you must meet.

  • An internal stakeholder is a project shareholder who oversees a product’s development because they have a stake in its success.
  • An external stakeholder is a customer who purchases the product or service and is influenced with its quality.
2. Value Stream Mapping :

The second principle is value stream mapping (VSM). VSM is a visual tool that involves charting your current and ideal workflows from project inception to completion. 

When comparing the two workflows, you may discover inefficiency in each project management phase to maximize efficiency. 

3. Mapping Create a Flow:

In this phase, you will rewrite your project management plan to make it more efficient by eliminating the waste highlighted in step two. Break down each stage of product development and modify steps as needed to accomplish this. Use project milestones as checkpoints to guarantee that no additional waste emerges as the project develops. 

4. Establish the Pull:

When a consumer, client, or stakeholder “pulls” a product or service from a project as needed, this is known as “pulling.” In other words, advancements made in the previous step result in a shorter time-to-market. The pull mechanism has the advantage of not requiring any warehousing or stockpiling. That saves the company money, which they can then pass on to their customers.

In software development, an example of a pull system is:

  • The technical designer completes their work and submits the product for evaluation.
  • The review flag indicates the start of the coding step.
  • Your programmer completes their work and submits the product for evaluation.
  • The review flag signifies the start of the testing stage.
  • After completing their assignment, the product tester marks the product as ready for final review.
  • You finalize the product.
5. Continue to Grow:

It is an iterative process rather than a one-time event. The fifth principle is to strive for perfection, which requires making ongoing improvements to your workflow. 

Whether your customer is internal or external, their needs will change over time. This means you’ll need to review your product value on a frequent basis and analyze your workflow for waste.

Benefits of Lean Project Management to Boost Productivity

1. Low Storage Prices:

Because there would be fewer inventory items in storage, the storage cost will be lower. Your storage will only hold the things that are required right now.

2. Excellent Customer Service:

Customers will get exactly what they desire, with no interference from third-party ideas.

3. Boost Productivity:

Because everyone is assigned to utilize less resources, It enhances the value-add per person and the output.

4. Innovation:

When the team gets down to a single aim or outcome, everyone will come up with creative approaches.

5. Reduced Lead Times:

Teams will be able to respond faster and with fewer delays since they will be focused on one mission at a time.

6. Reduce Overproduction:

Unnecessary document filling and other areas that may experience overproduction will witness a drop in the rate of overproduction.

Lean Project Management Can Enhance Your Productivity

The lean technique makes accomplishing these goals easier by reducing bottlenecks and streamlining production. Therefore, many businesses work hard to provide high-quality products and satisfy their customers.

Project management software can help you optimize processes regardless of the type of project management system you employ. By using software to automate your procedures, you may better see your project plan, interact with team members, and satisfy client demands.

Make sure to check: Powerful Team Building Activities to Bring Your Team Together!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What kind of approach is lean?

Lean is an approach of continuous improvement that was developed in the industrial sector, particularly at Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan.

2. Which five lean project management principles are there?

Identifying value, mapping how value is created, developing a flow, establishing a pull system, and always seeking improvement are the five guiding principles of constructing an effective Lean management process.

3. What are the lean 4 P’s?

Philosophy, Process, People and Problem-solving are 4 P’s of lean project management.

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