9 Striking traits and qualities of a good project manager

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Being a project manager is a special form of leadership position, involving certain traits of character and important qualities. If we ask you, if you have any general knowledge about a good project manager, there would be a common point you can describe them – they deliver projects within the clients’ timeline and budget, fulfilling or notwithstanding the partners’ desires, right?

It really isn’t enough. In fact, it takes more to become a successful and ideal project manager that anyone would admire to –  rather than the basic factors of a project manager . In this post, we’ll highlight 9 striking attributes and important qualities of a good project manager who will help you grow better or develop yourself.

Effective communication skills

One of a good manager’s attributes is to be a good communicator, so he can interact with people at all levels. A project manager must clarify explicitly the priorities of the project, as well as the duties, roles, expectations and feedback of each member.

Strong leadership skills

Successful project management means possessing good leadership skills such as motivating his team and driving them to optimum performance so they can accomplish their objectives.

Good decision maker

An successful project manager has to have decision-making skills, and decisions may have to be acted on.

Technical expertise

Since project management software and other similar methods are important in achieving the goals of the project, any successful project manager needs to have strong technical skills to identify the technical aspects of the situations. Knowledge of both theory and the technical side can greatly assist the manager in taking strategic initiatives when necessary.

Inspires a shared vision

An successful project manager will very well formulate the vision for the members of his team. A visionary will lead his people in the right direction as well as adapt effortlessly to the changes that come in the way. They are excellent at empowering people to get their own perspective.

Team building skills

A team must work in unison or the project would face multiple difficulties of relationships that could hinder its progress. Project managers need to know how to apply the value they need to each of them by reflecting on their good qualities. He needs to be honest and fair in the way he handles them.

Good negotiation skills

A team must work in unison or the project would face multiple difficulties of relationships that could hinder its progress. Project managers need to know how to apply the value they need to each of them by reflecting on their good qualities. He needs to be honest and fair in the way he handles them.


Understanding and caring for others, as well as being thankful for their support are some of the aspects that an empathetic leader displays to his members. It requires understanding the project needs, as well as its stakeholders.


A good manager knows what he’s doing, is willing to start new projects and address the problems that come with it.

Want to secure a project management credential such as PgMP , CAPM , or PMP Certification ? Get in touch with Education Edge!

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