10 Project Management Knowledge Areas!

10 Project Management Knowledge Areas are an important aspect of project management that serve as the foundation for handling projects and delivering positive results.

Therefore, the Project Management Institute (PMI) defines these knowledge areas as the foundation of a project manager’s expertise. Hence, if you want to learn more about all 10 Project Management Knowledge Areas, check out this informative blog. READ ON!

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What are Project Management Knowledge Areas?

The project management knowledge areas are critical aspects of project management that project managers must oversee, such as project planning, scheduling, tracking, and effectively delivering projects with the help of the project team and stakeholders.

10 Project Management Knowledge Areas

Here are the 10 Project Management Knowledge Areas:

1. Project Integration Management

2. Project Scope Management

3. Project Time Management

4. Project Cost Management

5. Project Quality Management

6. Project Human Resource Management

7. Project Communications Management

8. Project Risk Management

9. Project Procurement Management

10. Project Stakeholder Management

Project Integration Management:

It is essential for managing processes that connect project components, both physical and digital, as well as the people involved. Hence, it effectively manages stakeholder relationships and handles project changes.

Project Scope Management:

Project Scope Management ensures that the project objectives are successfully achieved within the parameters of resources and time. Hence, it consists of planning, task prioritization, cost estimation, and progress monitoring.

Project Time Management:

It is essential for effective project planning, which includes tasks such as developing timelines, establishing deadlines, planning resources, and allocating time effectively.

Project Cost Management:

A project’s cost management involves managing expenses to ensure timely and budgeted completion. Hence, it includes setting up a budget, tracking project-related costs, and looking for ways to cut costs or enhance resource utilization.

Project Quality Management:

Quality management helps that project outputs meet the required standards. This knowledge area focuses on maintaining high-quality outcomes, increasing customer satisfaction, and minimizing rework from planning to execution.

Project Human Resource Management:

Project resource management involves managing people and other critical assets in order to complete a project successfully. This includes recruiting team members, matching tasks to their expertise, inspiring maximum efficiency, and monitoring resource utilization throughout the project’s life cycle.

Project Communication Management:

Project Communication Management knowledge area includes project communication planning, execution, and monitoring. Clear and effective communication improves collaboration, decreases misunderstandings, and keeps stakeholders updated.

Project Risk Management:

The process of determining, evaluating, and reducing potential risks is known as risk management. Taking a proactive approach to risk management decreases the impact of unexpected events, ensuring the project’s success.

Project Procurement Management:

Project procurement management involves purchasing the goods and services needed for project completion. 

Therefore, this includes identifying potential vendors, evaluating supplier offers, negotiating contracts and terms, and supervising the procurement process.

Project Stakeholder Management:

Projects involve a wide range of stakeholders, each with their own set of interests. Identifying, engaging, and communicating with stakeholders in order to meet their expectations with project outcomes is what stakeholder management entails. 

Therefore, positive stakeholder relationships are essential for project success.

PMBOK Process Groups

The Project Management Body of Knowledge defines 5 Process Groups such as:

  • Initiation
  • Planning
  • Execution
  • Monitoring & Controlling
  • Closing


In this phase, a project manager specifies overall procedures and resources for product development, as well as the project concept, key goals, and stakeholders.


The planning phase involves defining project components, establishing milestones, researching stakeholder requirements, and developing a strategy for handling potential risks and challenges.


In order to execute the project management plan, this phase is responsible for organizing resources and staff. Execution is the process of converting the project plan into results.

Monitoring & Controlling:

During monitoring and control, stakeholders monitor project progress, evaluate risks, and modify plans to meet their needs, often in the process of execution.


The closing phase involves assessing the final product and reflecting on project execution processes to enhance future company projects.

When are Project Management Areas Beneficial?

Project Management Knowledge Areas are beneficial for many situation such as:

  • Define project objectives and limitations
  • Establish quality standards for outputs
  • Create a detailed management plan
  • Facilitate stakeholder communication
  • Identify necessary resources and their allocation
  • Set task deadlines for team members
  • Monitor progress against set timelines
  • Adjust plans as necessary
  • Identify project risks
  • Assess potential impacts of risks
  • Develop strategies to mitigate risks

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are project management knowledge areas:

ANS: Project Management Knowledge Areas are defined by the Project Management Institute (PMI) as specific areas of project management that include various processes that are required for successful project management.

2. Name the 3 main areas of the project?

ANS: The 3 main areas of the project:

1. Scope 
2. Cost 
3. Time

3. How many phases are there in project management?

ANS: There are 5 phases in project management such as:

1. Initiation
2. Planning
3. Execution
4. Monitoring & Controlling
5. Closing

4. Who determines the Project Management Knowledge Areas?

ANS: In its Project Management Body of Knowledge, the Project Management Institute (PMI) defines the Project Management Knowledge Areas (PMBOK).

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