Education Edge PMP PMBOK Week 3 Office Read – Project Scope Management

PMBOK Chapter 5 – Scope Knowledge Area
6 Processes
1.     Plan Scope Management (Planning)
2.     Collect Requirements (Planning)
3.     Define Scope (Planning)
4.     Create WBS (Planning)
5.     Control Scope (Monitoring and Controlling)
6.     Validate Scope (Monitoring and Controlling)
Collect Requirements
The process of defining and documenting stakeholders’ needs in the form of condition and capabilities to meet project objectives
Define Scope
The process of developing a detailed description of the project and product
Create WBS
The process of subdividing project deliverables and project work into smaller, more manageable components
Validate Scope
The process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project deliverables
Control Scope
The process of monitoring the status of the project and the product scope and managing changes to the scope baseline
Product Scope
The features and functions that characterize a product, service, or result
Project Scope
The work that needs to be accomplished to deliver a product, service, or result with the specified features and functions
Collect Requirements: Tools and Techniques
Interviews (most widely used), Focus Groups, Facilitated Workshops, Document Analysis, Prototyping, Observation, Requirement Workshops (most effective), Business Context Diagram, Surveys and Questionnaire
Stakeholder Register
Used to identify stakeholders that can provide information on detailed project requirements and management activities.
Voice Of the Customer
Nominal Group Technique
Enhances brainstorming with a voting process used to run ideas in order of usefulness
The Delphi Technique
A selected group of experts answers questionnaires and provide feedback
Idea/Mind Mapping
Ideas created through individual brainstorming are consolidated into a single map to reflect commonality and differences in understanding and generate new ideas
Affinity Diagram
Allows a large number od ideas to be sorted into groups for review and analysis
The largest block in a group decides even if a majority is not achieved
Requirements Management Plan
Documents how requirements will be analyzed, documented and managed throughout the project
Requirement Traceability Matrix
A table that links requirements to their origin and trace them throughout the project life cycle
Requirements Documentation
Describes how individual requirements meet the business need for the project
Subdivision of project deliverables into smaller, more manageable components
Work Package Level
The point at which the cost and activity durations for the work can be reliably estimated and managed
The 100% Rule
WBS represents all product and project work. Everything leads from the bottom-up and no extra work is left out
WBS Dictionary
A document that provides more detailed descriptions of the components of the WBS
Scope Baseline
Part of the Project Management Plan, includes: Project Scope Statement, WBS and WBS Dictionary
Validated Deliverables
Deliverables that have been completed and checked for correctness by the Perform Quality Control process
Accepted Deliverables
Deliverables that are formally signed off and approved by the customer or sponsor
Configuration Management Plan
Defines items that require formal change control and the process for controlling change to such items
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