The difference between passing the PMP exam successfully or failing depends primarily on how well you are trained by your study materials. By undertaking a Virtual PMP Training Program that doesn’t fit your style of learning, you could sabotage your chances of landing on a good score in the exam. Not to mention the PMP Exam prep, requiring months to prepare and additional test costs.
Is Virtual PMP Training Program a better option?
You will observe the lessons at your own pace in a Virtual PMP Training Program. It isn’t easy to join an intensive 4-day PMP classroom training program if you are a full-time professional. Even if you do attend, it will not be easy to digest the massive PMP Course the examination deals with. Therefore, you would be very flexible studying around your study plan by following a Virtual PMP training Program and the lectures whenever you like.
You can revisit lectures from any internet-linked computer in a Virtual PMP Training Program as many times as you like. There’s no hassle in making to your classroom, or missing any lectures. You manage all the content.
In comparison to classroom PMP training, the Virtual PMP Training Programs are more affordable. A classroom PMP training will cost up to 10 times more than participating in a Virtual PMP training program. Moreover, most classroom sessions have no refund guarantee, even if you have a last-minute crisis and are unable to attend the session.
What will you accomplish at the end of this Virtual PMP Training Program?
Upon completing the Virtual PMP Training Program, you will be able to
Understand and apply project management terminology and concepts.
Achieve top-notch results after applying Project Management Standards from PMI to real-life scenarios.
Motivate and Lead your team to outperform.
Provide clients with quicker solutions, maintain compliance, reduce risk factors, and save time & costs.
Establish open communication between team members and stakeholders.
Maintain budgets and schedules – ensuring that that the project stays within scheduled costs and timeframes
Undergo the daunting PMP Exam prep easily.
Master the Project Management Body Of Knowledge (PMBOK) 7th
Education Edge’s Virtual PMP Training Program – Course Highlights
PMI REP instructors and industry experts.
On point guidance for going through the PMP exam application process.
Weekly exams/quizzes to assess comprehension and absorption of study material.
2+3 Full-scale exams during and after the Virtual PMP Training Program completes.
Access to student blog and additional study material.
Experience sharing sessions and seminars with PMP Certification holders.
40 Contact hours/PDUs.
Looking for a Virtual/Classroom PMP Training Program?