PMI / IIBA Updates

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It is not an easy task to find all updates and information about PMI and IIBA at a single place. Explore a variety of updates from across the world that provide updates on the project management Institute (PMI) and International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA) and the practice of professional career.

Introducing the New PMBOK Guide - 7th Edition

Introducing the new PMBOK Guide 7 150x84 1

“For the review of the project management community, the Project Management Institute …
Introducing the New PMP Online Exam

PMP Online Exam 150x75 1

Given the chaotic and rapidly evolving nature of the COVID-19 outbreak, organizations …
PMI's response to the COVID-19 pendemic

PMIs response to the COVID 19 pandemic 150x75 1

With COVID-19 quarantines in effect around the world, the Project Management Institute …
IIBA's response to the COVID-19 pendemic

IIBAs response to the COVID 19 pandemic 150x75 1

Being actively involved in the fight against COVID-19, the International Institute of …