Look at the Different Types of PMP Exam Questions!

The PMP exam consists entirely of multiple-choice questions. However, there are various types of questions

There are many different types such as: 1. Formula-based Questions 2. PMP Situational Questions 3. PMP Test Questions Based on Knowledge

4. Interpretational PMP Exam Questions 5. Specific Technique PMP Test Questions 6. Knowledge Questions from The Guide

Formula-based Questions These questions are more than just finding the median or calculating earned value

PMP Situational Questions These questions will put your knowledge of project management theory to the test

PMP Test Questions Based on Knowledge These demand you to interpret the situation based on your knowledge of the data supplied

Interpretational PMP Exam Questions These questions will put your ability to infer a situation or condition from a description of a status or problem to the test

Specific Technique PMP Test Questions This type of question will present a snapshot of a situation, such as a network diagram,

Knowledge Questions from The Guide These questions will assess your knowledge of specific topics from the PMBOK Guide

PMP-PMI Certification