6 PMP Certification Exam Myths - Get the Facts Now!

Do you want to know what the myth is about the PMP Certification exam?

Here are 6 PMP Certification exam myths to consider before taking the exam:

1. The passing score myth: PMP passing score was 61% until November 2005; PMI now uses psychometric analysis for scoring

2. Memorize ITTOs is essential ITTO memorization is pointless. Instead of memorizing, PMI focuses on understanding it

3. 35 PDUs are mandatory to apply for the PMP exam You require 35 contact hours, not PDUs, to apply for the PMP exam

4. PMI selects audits using applicant profiles PMI selects profiles for audits, but ignores any other audit process rumors

5. You must memorize the PMBOK guide Understanding the PMBOK Guide is important, but the exam covers a broader range of project management topics

6. It's an All-or-Nothing pass You don't have to answer every question correctly. PMP exams are scored on a proficiency scale, and you can pass with some incorrect answers